Ring Sizer


Our Ring Sizer is an easy way to check your ring size when you can’t come to us.

Sizer comes with instructions & a chart to keep your sizes for future reference.


Get a $10 coupon to use on your 1st ring purchase when you buy a Ring Sizer 1st! ($10 = cost of sizer + Shipping cost). Coupon must be used within 30 days of Ring Sizer purchase.

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SKU: F21AO-SZ Category: Tag:


How To Use:

Use the sizer like a belt by sliding the end through the buckle & adjust it on your finger until it is snug but comfortable. Make sure the sizer will slip on & off over your knuckle at the size you feel is most comfortable without falling off. The arrow will point to a number for full sizes or a dash for half sizes.

If you have any questions on your sizing please reach out by email.

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